Monday, February 13, 2006

Because I Care..

Welcome to Wealth Weekly. This is my attempt to convince as many of my friends as possible about the do's and don'ts of wealth management. My credentials are somewhat light. I'm just starting to invest on my own but I have a definite plan to build a financially secure environment for my family (when I get one) and to provide an example for my friends. If you have spilled over onto this site--welcome, and feel free to join the fun.

I have run two (somewhat) private investment clubs--one at Morehouse College from 2002-2003, and one at Georgia Tech in 2005. My topics focused on the slow way to riches. If you're looking for that "Get Rich and 10 years" method of investing, you should probably click on through to another site. My mentors include Dave Ramsey,, and, and other subscribers to the debt-elimination strategy to true wealth.

My target audience is primarily for middle-class minorities, because that's who I know best. However, money management isn't racially-based, and the topics covered here can apply to anyone. Don't feel unwelcome. Some are asking why I'm doing this. It's simple--because, believe it or not, I care. I don't want to see people struggle and fall prey to the predators of poverty. I want to see people succeed in life, and to have time to enjoy life without spending most of their lives having to "owe" any entity financially. Most of our schools aren't helping people with personal finance education, and most colleges don't require it.

So, I join the long list of those who will fight to get the right infomation. The media will fool you, becuase they know you won't read or check their facts. I encourage you to check mine. I don't have all the answers--not even most of them. But I know a little bit about a little bit. And I'll share it with you. Hopefully, we can exchange ideas, and succeed together.

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