Thursday, November 23, 2006

Be Thankful.

This week, make sure you take stock of your life--financial and otherwise, and give thanks to Whom thanks is due. For me, I thanked the Lord this week for getting my Dad safely out of the hospital this week and for getting the whole family together for a nice Thanksgiving.

Also, take a moment to slide over to visit my boys at . They're trying to build their site traffic up just like I am, and I know how hard it is to get people to read stuff you write!

For you lurkers out there, if you find anything on this site informative, I'd be quite thankful if you were to do a link exchange with this site. use the comments section below.

Oh yes--it's at this point of the non-article I'm writing to let you know there is obviously no focused topic this week. Take the time to reflect on your accomplishments and blessings and continue to strive for many more. Eat to your fill, and relax.

Then, if you go to the Black Friday sales, by all means keep your head on straight and not forget about all the things you prayed/reflected on this week. Be courteous, and spend wisely!

See you next week.

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