Monday, January 14, 2008

Two Quick Money Tips for 2008

Hi Readers. Happy New Year! Sorry for the slackness between posts, but I’ve been a little involved in Presidential campaign activities. I know, no excuse. Now that you have set your resolutions and (hopefully) not failed yet, consider some of the money tips collected from writers around the Web for the new year.

Consolidate some of your banking accounts. This is the most effective way to ensure that all of your money is properly going to the right spots. You should probably try to consolidate your money to one or two main accounts. Because of the ease of checking and direct deposit, I have a brick-and-mortar bank and then I have my emergency/long-term savings with ING direct. You may like other options.

Automate your Savings Plan. Saving is awfully hard to do, especially if you consciously have to move money over every month. By setting up an automatic transfer plan that is connected to your main checking account or a part of your direct deposit, it gets much easier because the savings is out-of-sight and therefore out-of-mind. If you choose a high-yield savings account like ING Direct or HSBC direct you should be in good shape.

We’ll post more as we move along this year. Make 2008 the year you finally take active control of your finances.

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