Thursday, April 10, 2008

Should We Allow Retirement Funds to be Used for Real Estate Investing?


That’s it, no….

Oh, still around? Let’s talk about why. But first, some background. John Crudele, a columnist for the New York Post, penned

this article —in it, he talked about how the two major political parties are not facing reality, blasé blasé’ve heard the drill. To note, he says:

…my belief that the only stimulus package we can afford right now is one that allows people to spend their own money.

He was on the right path. It’s good point. Then, he goes wildly off course as to what this entails:

In other words, what we need is a simple law change that will permit Americans to use their own retirement money - without being killed by taxes - for such things as buying real estate.

What? Use their retirement money to buy real estate? But you can already do that you say. Yes, but with limits. It’s used to purchase your first home, and it’s limited to $10,000. Some employers require you to roll over the money to an IRA (and you have to pay it back). But there is a reason that the government makes it very difficult to pull money out of 401(k) and IRA plans—they are made for retirement purposes. Hence, the name.

Imagine for a moment that after running up student loan debt, credit card debt, and then home-equity loan debt, Americans start tapping into their last basket of (usually) forced savings—the 401(k) or IRA plan. What happens if we as a country haven’t learned from our lesson and begin buying homes way above our means because the “attractive” intro rates? You end up in a very bad position. You end up with millions of Americans (with the help of the doom-and-gloom media) playing on the emotions of everyone to bail us out of our problems (again). Only this time, it would cost a whole lot more because we would put a lot more stress on an already-fragile Social Security and Medicare program. Basically we’d further the citizen’s dependence on the government to survive. And that’s not a good thing.


Anonymous said...

I think that this could work for some people. Good investers could certainly make a lot of their money. But a big percentage of people are likely to be unwise with their money and as you so rightly say it could be a potential disaster.

Anonymous said...

I think the only time it's smart to buy real estate with retirement money is if it's income property in a good location.

Charles J said...

Thanks both of you for your words. I think there's not too much wrong with investing in real estate if you know what you're doing. Many people *think* they know a location is going to be a "hot location." But the retirement money is the last line of defense against government dependence.

Most investors are wise to leave the money they have in retirement for retirement, and to use any extra money they have to pursue riskier (but rewarding) ventures like real estate.