Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ha! You Got (Tax) Shifted!

It’s what happens when state governments get real smart at taking your money away. Let’s say that you really don’t like taxes (that would probably be all of you). Well, because taxes are really unpopular politically, some state governments have engaged in long-practiced method of collecting needed revenue when times are tough (and sometimes when times aren’t so bad). Let’s call it… You Got (Tax) Shifted!

Here’s how it works.

You want low income taxes despite the fact that the cost of running the state/federal government gets more expensive? OK, lawmakers say. We won’t raise your income taxes. So they appeal to the federal government for “relief” (that means cash). However, people across the country don’t want that to happen either. Thus, local governments will increase their sales taxes. But then if that fails, what happens next? Something has to go to be cut, (or go up to bring in more revenue) So what will go up are...other things you don’t really get as upset about. Like:

- Bridge and Road Tolls
- Mass Transit Fares
- License Vehicle Registration/Tag Fees
- Monthly/Yearly Parking fees
- Parking Ticket fees/Speeding Ticket fees

And/or they start cutting back on services. Libraries and other public-service entities close earlier and shut off lights. Small businesses raise fees and cut back on hours as well. People work less. Here in NYC they are talking about eliminating entire lines of subway service and raising fares...again. These consumption fees are not “taxes” per se, but they still work in the same way by bringing in revenue to keep businesses are state-run services afloat. Of course, you can avoid many of these by not consuming these services, but it’s unlikely that you will stop driving, stop parking, flying, riding, etc. Otherwise, our economy, which depends on you spending money, will continue to tank.

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